Updates, news & press releases

Important Notice: Supplier Alert

Important Notice: Supplier Alert Warning to Polymer Suppliers of Impersonation Fraud We want to bring to your attention a concerning issue involving impersonation fraud. Criminals

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Plasfilms and SRF sign strategic distribution agreement

Plasfilms, the UK-based distributor of packaging films, and SRF, renowned manufacturer of high-quality packaging films, have announced an agreement that grants Plasfilms distribution rights for SRF’s exceptional range of packaging film products in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

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Plastribution acquires thermoplastics sheet business

Leading UK plastics raw materials distributor, Plastribution Group, has acquired Leicester-based thermoplastics sheet supplier, Eagle Plastics, for an undisclosed sum.

The move enables Plastribution to add a sheet business to its products division, which currently includes films and foil distributors, Plasfilms and Plasfoils. All staff at Eagle Plastics will be retained.

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