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Packaging Price Know-How empowers packaging material buyers to make informed purchase decisions.

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Packaging Price Know-how – May 2024

Prices in the polymer market look somewhat rangebound. Much that sellers would like to increase prices to cover increased feedstock costs, and the expense of shipping goods around the Cape of Good Hope, in order to avoid the terrorist issues affecting the Red Sea route, buyers appear to be able to secure materials at favourable prices.

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Packaging Price Know-how – December 2023

Welcome to this first edition of this Packaging Price Know-how report. It is our intention to publish this report on a monthly basis and provide you with valuable insights into some of the economic factors affecting plastic film prices.

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A trusted, go-to resource for over a decade, Packaging Price Know-how is produced by the experts at leading distributor, Plastribution with data from Plastics Information Europe.

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Unlike many pricing reports, we tailor ours specifically for the UK packaging industry. We do all the currency conversions so you don’t need to!

Who's Who?

Packaging Price Know-How is the combined effort of several members of the Plasfilms and Plastribution team. Below are the faces behind the report:

Mike Boswell
Managing Director - Plastribution Group
Ian Chisnall
Product Manager - Polyolefins
Rachel Pickwell
Internal Sales Manager
Mark Goodwin
Product Development Manager – Plasfilms


This report is produced based upon the following fundamentals: –


The information provided in this report are based upon data available from both external an internal sources, and whilst care is exercised in producing this report we give no guarantee of accuracy.

Furthermore we accept no liability for purchasing decisions based upon the information provided as the petrochemical market is complex and volatile.

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